Section III (Northern Argentina & Bolivia): The dry winter in Argentina slowly moved toward spring as I passed around Mendoza via vineyard roads and caught the beginning of the Incan Road, just north of Uspallata. I then followed dirt tracks, train tracks, hiking trails, animal paths, and paved roads north to the Bolivian border. During this time, I walked across the entire Argentinian Altiplano, a beautiful, desolate region averaging 12,300′ in elevation, and also crossed three major salt flats, including the Salar de Hombre Muerto. I entered Bolivia at La Quiaca and continued along train tracks and dirt roads until the southern shores of Lake Poopo. Here I paused for a second climbing season, starting with Tupungatito and Tupungato east of Santiago de Chile. After the climbing season, I returned to the southern shore of Lake Poopo, where I cut a direct cross-country line of travel across the high desert plains south of Lake Titicaca, crossing into Peru at Desaguadero.